Introduction to Computational Algebraic Geometry in Robotics

Ashata Charles M.

Faculty of Engineering Kampala International University Uganda


Computational algebraic geometry (CAG) offers powerful methods for solving complex problems in robotics, particularly in robot motion planning. Traditional numerical approaches in robotics are complemented and often outperformed by algebraic geometry techniques, which utilize polynomial equations to model and solve problems related to robot kinematics, dynamics, and path planning. This paper provides an introduction to CAG, highlighting its application in robotics, from basic concepts and techniques to advanced applications in robot perception and motion planning. We discuss key algebraic tools and their practical implications, offering insights into current trends and future directions in this interdisciplinary field.

Keywords:  Computational Algebraic Geometry, Robot Motion Planning, Kinematics, Path Planning and Configuration Space

CITE AS: Ashata Charles M. (2024). Introduction to Computational Algebraic Geometry in Robotics. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES 3(1):70-79.