The Media and Management of Environmental Health Issues: A Study of Kenya

Égide Ferdinand H.

Faculty of Medicine Kampala International University Uganda


This study examines the role of the media in the management of environmental health issues in Kenya. With the media serving as a crucial intermediary between policymakers, public health authorities, and the general public, understanding its influence on environmental health discourse is imperative. This research aims to explore the extent to which the media covers environmental health issues, the framing of such issues, and their impact on public awareness, behavior change, and policy formulation. Through content analysis, interviews, and surveys, the study seeks to identify gaps and opportunities for improving media coverage of environmental health issues and enhancing its effectiveness as a tool for promoting environmental sustainability and public health in Kenya.

Keywords: Media, Environmental Health, Kenya, Public Awareness, Policy Formulation

CITE AS: Égide Ferdinand H. (2024). The Media and Management of Environmental Health Issues: A Study of Kenya. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC AND EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES 3(2):114-118.