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Music and Memory:The Psychological Effects of Song

Kakungulu Samuel J.

Faculty of Education, Kampala International University, Uganda


This paper examines the profound relationship between music and memory, delving into the cognitive, emotional, and therapeutic dimensions of this relationship. Music’s ability to evoke vivid memories and elicit strong emotional responses underscores its significance in personal and collective contexts. By analyzing the cognitive mechanisms of musical memory, the emotional connections forged through music, and its therapeutic applications, the study highlights the multifaceted role of music in memory enhancement and rehabilitation. The paper also emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary research to further understand and harness the power of music in improving cognitive and emotional well-being, particularly for individuals with memory impairments.

Keywords: Music, Memory, Emotional responses, Cognitive psychology, Music therapy.

CITE AS: Kakungulu Samuel J. (2025). Music and Memory: The Psychological Effects of Song. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES IN ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 4(1):35-38. https://doi.org/10.59298/RIJCIAM/2025/413538