Gamification in Education: Enhancing Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Rwanda

Nasiche T. L.

Faculty of Education Kampala International University Uganda


This study investigates the impact of gamification on student motivation and learning outcomes in Rwanda, focusing on the Teacher Training College of the University of Rwanda, Huye Campus. By examining the current state of student motivation and comparing it with European contexts, the research aims to identify effective gamification strategies that can be implemented in Rwandan education. The study incorporates perspectives from students, alumni, employers, and educators to assess the competencies provided by the teacher training curriculum. The findings suggest that gamification can significantly enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. The study’s implications extend beyond Rwanda, offering insights applicable to other East African countries and similar educational environments.

Keywords: Gamification, Education, Student Motivation, Learning Outcomes, Rwanda and Teacher Training

CITE AS: Nasiche T. L. (2024). Gamification in Education: Enhancing Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Rwanda. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN EDUCATION 3(3):30-38.