Factors Affecting Female Entrepreneurs in Cameroon

 Lucky Uko A.

Department of Public Administration Kampala International University Uganda


Worldwide, the number of female small-scale entrepreneurs continues to increase steadily, and these women are active at all levels; domestically, regionally and globally. It has been argued that increasing the number of women entrepreneurs involved in starting new businesses is critical for a country’s long-term economic growth. In addition to their economic and income-generating activities, women assume multi-faceted roles in society, i.e. as breadwinner of families, unpaid family workers, service providers in the communities and mothers/care-takers of the family. In spite of their important contributions to socio-economic development; women suffer from various constraints, which inhibit them from fully realizing their potential for development. This study considered the challenge plaguing female entrepreneur in Cameroon. Accordingly, women have limited access to certain resources such as access to credit, land ownership and inheritance, access to education extension services, entrepreneurship skills, access to markets and their minimal participation in decision making process. The Cameroonian culture, still regards the role of women as being supportive and submissive. But currently, there is a growing recognition that economic development can be meaningfully and significantly promoted if more women are encouraged to become entrepreneurs. This paper therefore concluded that, there is need for the Cameroonian nation to adopt such specific support services in order to enhance the levels of women entrepreneurship in the country.

Keywords: Female, Entrepreneurs, Factors, Challenges, Income

CITE AS: Lucky Uko A. (2024). Factors Affecting Female Entrepreneurs in Cameroon. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 3(1):41-47.