Effect of Cyberbullying on Adolescents Mental Health: Implication for Education

Isabella Kamanthi P.

Department of Public Administration Kampala International University Uganda


Cyberbullying has been conceived as harassments where an electronic medium is used to threaten or harm and to inflict humiliation and fear. Many aspects of cyberbullying are similar to those of IRL bullying, although there are some important differences. Victims of cyberbullying are never left alone since harassments can reach them almost everywhere. Unlike IRL bullying, cyberbullying does not have to be repeated since a single episode can be reposted and forwarded. Electronic communication also allows bullies to remain anonymous and, because of absence of direct reactions from the victim, there is risk of increased cruelty. Cyberbullying has been linked to multiple maladaptive emotional, psychological, and behavioural outcomes; hence, this paper reflected on the impact of cyberbullying on students’ mental health. The effects of cyberbullying vary depending on the individual, but its consequences include low self-esteem, anxiety, feeling sad, being scared, embarrassed, depression, anger, truancy, decreased academic achievement, an increased tendency to violate others, school violence and even suicide. As well as impacting on students’ wellbeing, cyberbullying has also been found to impact on their mental health. This study reviewed the prevalence of cyberbullying, including the educational implication of this act, on students’ mental health.

Keywords: Mental health, Cyberbullying, Impact, Adolescent, Implication

CITE AS: Isabella Kamanthi P.(2024). Effect of Cyberbullying on Adolescents Mental Health: Implication for Education. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES IN ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 3(1):26-31