Challenges and Prospects of Women Leaders in Africa: A Review

Damba Emmanuel Daniel

Department of Public Administration Kampala International University Uganda


Women in leadership positions in Africa face numerous challenges, yet their potential contributions to socio-economic development remain largely untapped. This study investigates the challenges and prospects encountered by women in leadership roles across various sectors in Africa. By employing qualitative and quantitative research methods, the study aims to identify the systemic barriers hindering women’s advancement in leadership positions, explore the socio-cultural factors influencing these challenges, and assess the potential benefits of increased female representation in leadership roles. The findings of this research could inform policymakers, organizations, and advocacy groups in developing strategies to promote gender equality and empower women in leadership across the continent.

Keywords: Women Leadership, Gender Equality, Socio-cultural Barriers, Africa, Empowerment

CITE AS: Damba Emmanuel Daniel (2024). Challenges and Prospects of Women Leaders in Africa: A Review.  RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF LAW, COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGES 3(2):6-11.