An Appraisal of the Challenges of Poor Abattoir Waste Management

Ezek Martins U.

Department of Management Kampala International University Uganda


The challenges posed by poor abattoir waste management on public food safety and quality of life in Nigeria has become a source of concern in recent times. The numerous wastes produced by abattoir operation not only pose a significant challenge to effective environmental management but also are associated with decreased air quality of the environment, potential transferable antimicrobial resistance patterns, and several infectious agents that can be pathogenic to human. Studies have also shown that poor abattoir waste disposal are responsible for the pollution of surface and underground waters as well as air quality which indirectly affect the health of residents living within the vicinity of abattoirs. Thus, this paper examined the challenges of poor abattoir waste management. It maintained that despite the availability of legislative framework on animal slaughter in the country, issues such as slaughtering animals on untidy floors, absence of stunning and ripening operations, inadequate slaughtering facilities, lack of sewage disposal systems, as well as inadequate clean water supply often characterize meat handling procedures in most abattoirs. The paper concluded that managing of abattoirs and slaughterhouses should be left entirely in the care of Local governments and private entrepreneurs nationwide, as this is in line with the Federal government of Nigeria’s current position about the operations of public utilities. It further recommended among others, the need for the provision of waste disposal system such as incinerators around slaughter houses.

Keywords: Abattoir, Incinerator, Slaughter house, Waste management, Challenges

CITE AS: Ezek Martins U. (2024). An Appraisal of the Challenges of Poor Abattoir Waste Management. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN EDUCATION 3(1):28-33.