Stressors in Modern West African Marriages: Economic, Cultural, and Health Challenges

Robert Rose Akiki

School of Law Kampala International University, Uganda


Modern West African marriages face numerous stressors, including economic, cultural, and health-related challenges. Economic stressors include high unemployment rates, financial instability, rising living expenses, and evolving gender roles. Cultural and traditional expectations, such as bride price and polygamy, also contribute to stress. Urbanization introduces challenges like economic opportunities, migration, dual careers, childcare, and the shift from extended to nuclear family structures. Health-related stressors include chronic illnesses, mental health issues, and inadequate healthcare access. The stigmatization of mental health problems and the financial burden of healthcare exacerbate stress. Effective communication and conflict resolution are crucial for maintaining healthy marriages. Infidelity, parenting, and childcare responsibilities also contribute to stress. Religion and spirituality provide coping mechanisms and support networks. The advent of social media and technology introduces privacy concerns and unrealistic expectations, straining marriages. Legal and policy frameworks are essential for ensuring marital stability, providing protection against domestic violence, and facilitating access to legal recourse and support services. This review examines the Stressors in Modern West African Marriages: Economic, Cultural, and Health Challenges. I utilised relevant published data (2004–2024) from diverse, reliable databases. Overall, addressing the stressors in modern West African marriages requires a multifaceted approach that includes economic support, cultural sensitivity, improved healthcare access, effective communication strategies, and robust legal and social support systems. By acknowledging and addressing these diverse challenges, couples can build more resilient and fulfilling marital relationships.

Keywords: Stressors, West Africa, Marriage, Economic, Cultural, Health.

CITE AS: Robert Rose Akiki (2024). Stressors in Modern West African Marriages: Economic, Cultural, and Health Challenges. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF LAW, COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGES 3(3):66-71.