Critical Analysis on the Application of International Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts in Syria

Akitwine Prossy

School of Law Kampala International University, Uganda


This article examines the law governing siege warfare and its application to sieges enforced by parties to the Syrian conflict. Elements of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a coalition of Syrian Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen, and other minorities that included members of the Kurdish Peoples Protection Units (YPG), reportedly engaged in acts of corruption, unlawful restriction of the movement of persons, and arbitrary arrest of civilians, as well as attacks resulting in civilian casualties. There is compelling evidence to conclude that the war crime of starvation and the crime against humanity of extermination have been committed during siege warfare. These crimes ideally should be prosecuted by international judges through the establishment of an ad hoc international criminal tribunal or immediately through universal jurisdiction. It is on this note that the article calls for organizations involved in managing the conflict to keep discovering different torture areas and getting rid of them and informing all those involved in protection of human rights of the people since it’s the job of the United Nations and Red Cross.

Keywords: Armed conflict, human rights violations, international humanitarian law, parties, Syria

CITE AS: Akitwine Prossy (2024). Critical Analysis on the Application of International Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts in Syria RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF LAW, COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGES 3(3):49-54.