Critical Analysis on the Effectiveness of Laws Governing the Social and Political Laws on Gender Equality in Uganda

Kabinga David Humphry

School of Law Kampala International University, Uganda


The article analyses the effectiveness of laws governing the social and political laws on gender equality in Uganda. The article revealed that the Uganda’s Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development has not prioritized the formulation of the National Action Plan, and as a result there is minimal supervision, monitoring and evaluation of the progress and impact of gender mainstreaming sector activities. The lack of finalized generic gender mainstreaming guidelines has made it difficult to implement gender mainstreaming and as such gender inequalities in society continue to exit. In the absence of an engendered Government M&E framework, Government will continue to monitor its programmes with a gender-blind lens. The assessment tool used by Local Governments encourages evidence-based assessment that is open to manipulation rather than impact analysis of the programmes and projects on gender equality. MoGLSD has failed to utilize synergies with MoLG to develop interventions that will help Local Governments to improve their performance in the assessments with the aid of these reports. It is in this light that the article calls for the MoGLSD to prioritize the formulation of the National Action Plan for the implementation of the national policy on gender in its annual work plans and budgets. The Ministry should expedite the finalization of generic guidelines for Gender Mainstreaming as required by the Uganda Gender Policy.

Keywords: Action plan, gender equality, gender mainstreaming, political laws, social laws.

CITE AS: Kabinga David Humphry (2024). Critical Analysis on the Effectiveness of Laws Governing the Social and Political Laws on Gender Equality in Uganda. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF LAW, COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGES 3(3):42-48.