Analysing the Impact of Termination of Employment Contracts in Kampala, Uganda

Magada Julius

School of Law Kampala International University, Uganda


The article analyses the impact of termination of employment contracts in Uganda. The article revealed that the position of the Uganda’s law is still the common law right of an employer to terminate a contract of employment with good, bad or no reason at all. This is notwithstanding the fact that about fifty-five countries of the world have moved away from this ugly trend and embraced the ILO standards on unfair dismissal provided in ILO Termination of Employment Convention 158 of 1982 which requires that every termination of contracts of employment must be based on valid reasons. It is on this noted that the article calls for the ratification of ILO conventions. Uganda is a member of the International Labour Organisation and by its membership of the agency Uganda has an obligation to ratify and apply the ILO Convention on unfair dismissal. It is therefore necessary that a domestic body be established to ensure that ILO Conventions are ratified by Uganda. This body should work in concert with trade union of workers in Uganda in gathering international labour treaties and conventions and transmit them to the Executive Arm of the Government of Uganda for ratification. The body and the trade union of worker in Uganda should sit at periodic times to consider conventions acceded to by Uganda, list them and ensure that they are ratified. More so, there is need for an affirmative constitutional provision removing requirement for    domestication of labour treaties and conventions. Because of the impediment posed by the provision of the Constitution requiring domestication of international treaties and conventions, there is need for amendment of the provision of the constitution requiring domestication of labour treaties and conventions. This will achieve clarity and certainty in the application of international labour treaties and conventions under the Constitution.

Keywords: Contract of employment, Employee, Employer, Legal frameworks, Termination of employment

CITE AS: Magada Julius (2024). Analysing the Impact of Termination of Employment Contracts in Kampala, Uganda. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF LAW, COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGES 3(3):37-41.