Exploring the Role of Stereochemistry in Organic Synthesis: Strategies, Challenges, and Applications

Benedict Nnachi Alum

Department of Publication and Extension Kampala International University, Uganda.

Email: benedict.alum@kiu.ac.ug

ORCID: https://orcid.org/my-orcid=0009-0005-1485-5776


The study of atoms’ spatial arrangement inside molecules and the significant effects this has on chemical reactions and physical properties is the focus of stereochemistry, a fundamental area of organic chemistry. In the realm of organic synthesis, where a molecule’s design determines its functionality, stereochemistry emerges as a crucial element that influences reactivity, selectivity, and ultimately the properties of the synthesised molecules. In this paper, I discuss strategies, challenges, and applications related to stereochemistry in the context of organic synthesis. Some methods for predicting and controlling stereochemistry that can be used to make highly stereospecific compounds are asymmetric synthesis, chiral catalysts, and selective reactions. To explain the importance of stereochemistry in organic synthesis, come up with strategies, and talk about the difficulties and different uses in the field of synthesis, this review includes a background study on stereochemistry and research that was done by analyzing texts and working with experts in the field. Nevertheless, a number of obstacles stand in the way of achieving stereochemical control, including scaling up, stereo induction efficiency, and substrate complexity. Nevertheless, the domains of pharmaceutics, material sciences, agrochemicals, and flavor saw extensive use of stereochemistry. These principles allow us to control stereochemistry, facilitating cutting-edge drug discovery, the synthesis of innovative materials, and molecular sensing for the advancement of science and technology. For the first time, the systematic perspective presented here shows how stereochemistry has played a key role in determining the future direction of organic synthesis.

Keywords: Stereochemistry, Chirality, Enantiomer, Asymmetric Synthesis, Stereoselectivity.

CITE AS: Benedict Nnachi Alum (2024). Exploring the Role of Stereochemistry in Organic Synthesis: Strategies, Challenges, and Applications. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC AND EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES 3(3):69-74.