Critical Assessment of Article 28 of the Constitution of Uganda and Its Violation by Security Organs

Mutesi Rose

School of Law Kampala International University, Uganda


This article critically assessed article 28 of the Constitution of Uganda and its Violation by Security Organs, and the concept of a right to a fair trial in criminal proceedings, the major challenges facing Court in Uganda in interpreting the rights; and remedies thereto. The research focuses on the circumstances that give rise to violation of Article 28 by the security organs, the different challenges faced by the law in implementing the Article, and legislative taken into account while granting the law. In the view of these findings, the article calls for the parliament to consider defining the scope of this right as well as time frames in legislation in line with the generally accepted guidelines deduced from judicial precedents. This will provide an appropriate guideline and set legal parameters within which this right is to be interpreted and applied. This may be done through amendment of various legislation such as the criminal and other offences.

Keywords: Fair Hearing, Security Organs, Prisons, Matters, Administration of justice

CITE AS: Mutesi Rose (2024). Critical Assessment of Article 28 of the Constitution of Uganda and Its Violation by Security Organs. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF LAW, COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGES 3(1):62-66.