Understanding Effective Strategies to Curb Malnutrition among Children in Nigeria: A Review

Amburo Abdullahi H.

Faculty of Biological Sciences Kampala International University Uganda


Malnutrition among children in Nigeria remains a significant public health concern, contributing to high rates of morbidity and mortality. This paper explores effective strategies to curb malnutrition, focusing on multi-sectoral approaches that integrate health, agriculture, education, and social protection. Key strategies include enhancing maternal and child healthcare services, promoting exclusive breastfeeding, and implementing comprehensive nutrition education programs. Additionally, improving food security through sustainable agricultural practices and fortifying staple foods with essential micronutrients are crucial. Social protection programs, such as conditional cash transfers and school feeding initiatives, also play a vital role in improving nutritional outcomes. The success of these strategies relies on robust policy frameworks, adequate funding, and community engagement. The findings underscore the need for a coordinated effort involving government, non-governmental organizations, and international partners to sustainably reduce malnutrition and improve the health and well-being of children in Nigeria.

Keywords: Malnutrition, Child Health, Nutrition, Education, Food security

CITE AS: Amburo Abdullahi H. (2024). Understanding Effective Strategies to Curb Malnutrition among Children in Nigeria: A Review. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC AND EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES 3(2):73-78.