Relevance of Digital Technology to the 21st-Century Print Artist: An Overview

Ukweze Joseph K.

Faculty of Engineering Kampala International University Uganda


This study explores the relevance of digital technology to the 21st-century Print Artist. In an era characterized by rapid technological advancement, traditional print artists are increasingly embracing digital tools and techniques to enhance their creative process and adapt to changing industry demands. This research aims to examine the impact of digital technology on printmaking practices, identify key tools and software utilized by contemporary print artists, and assess the implications of this technological shift for artistic innovation and professional development. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature and case studies, the study seeks to provide insights into the transformative role of digital technology in shaping the landscape of printmaking in the modern era.

Keywords: Digital Technology, Print Artist, Printmaking, Contemporary Art, Technological Innovation

CASE AS: Ukweze Joseph K (2024). Relevance of Digital Technology to the 21st-Century Print Artist: An Overview. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC AND EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES 3(2):57-61.