Integrating    Artificial   Intelligence    in    Personalized Learning in East Africa

Bitalo J. U.

Faculty of Education Kampala International University Uganda


This paper proposes a holistic model for integrating Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI), to foster personalized learning in East Africa. Despite the adoption of individual educational technologies, the region still faces challenges in achieving personalized learning due to limitations in pedagogy, clear learning objectives, high student engagement, and ongoing feedback mechanisms. By leveraging AI, educators can tailor learning experiences to individual student needs, thereby enhancing educational outcomes. This review evaluated AI-based models for assessing and adapting to learner readiness, creating adaptive learning pathways, and influencing educational policy in East Africa.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Personalized Learning, 4IR Technologies, East Africa, Adaptive Learning, Educational Technology, Student Engagement and Learning Analytics

CITE AS: Bitalo J. U. (2024). Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Learning in East Africa. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN EDUCATION 3(3): 134- 143.