Critical Analysis of the Entrenched Provisions of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda

Mutesi Jabu
School of Law, Kampala International University, Uganda


Ever since the Constituent Assembly 1995 sat and promulgated the constitution, the constitution has been amended many times. However, the said constitution proposes to have entrenched provisions, such entrenched provisions are no longer being fulfilled. Non-fulfillment of the entrenched provisions is what necessitated the present study that examines the entrenchment of the 1995 constitution of the Republic of Uganda. This article recommends that Uganda promulgate a new constitution emerging out of the aspirations of Ugandans to construct democratic institutions and mechanisms for ensuring that persons and institutions that exercise state powers are subjected to effective controls. This may be achieved through casting the new constitution in the mold of the principles of constitutionalism. More so, further studies need to be carried out on how to establish effective constitutional institutions and to ensure that state powers are exercised within acceptable constitutional limits not only in Uganda but also in many other African countries.

Keywords: Aspirations, Constituent Assembly, Constitution making, Constitutional court, Entrenched provisions

CITE AS: Mutesi Jabu (2024). Critical Analysis of the Entrenched Provisions of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES IN ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 3(3):29-35.