Childhood Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Early Warning Indicators and Treatments

Denis Fatuma

Department of Public Administration, Kampala International University Uganda


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in children manifests through excessive, uncontrollable worry about everyday issues, significantly impacting their functioning. Differentiating between normal developmental anxieties and pathological worries is crucial for early intervention. Physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomachaches, and sleep disturbances, often accompany anxiety, leading to a cycle of worry and physical discomfort. Behavioral changes, including avoidance and withdrawal, further complicate a child’s development, academic performance, and social interactions. Emotional indicators, such as irritability and restlessness, and sleep disturbances exacerbate the situation. Perfectionism and procrastination are common coping mechanisms, hindering task management and reinforcing anxiety. Treatment approaches include psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, lifestyle modifications, educational interventions, parental support, community resources, and emerging therapies. Case studies highlight the importance of early recognition and tailored interventions in managing GAD effectively, providing hope and guidance for families and educators.

Keywords: Childhood, Generalized, Anxiety, Disorder, Early Warning, Indicators, Treatments.

CITE AS: Denis Fatuma (2024). Childhood Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Early Warning Indicators and Treatments. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES IN ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 3(2):96-101