Gender Dynamics in Ugandan Agriculture: Exploring Women’s Roles, Challenges, and Opportunities in Farming Communities

Hadija Nantale

Department of Public Administration, Kampala International University Uganda


The article explores gender dynamics in Ugandan agriculture, focusing on women’s roles, challenges, and opportunities in farming communities. It discusses recent research findings on women’s significant contributions to agricultural production, their unequal access to resources, and the gendered division of labor in farming. The paper highlights challenges faced by women, including limited access to land, inputs, and markets, as well as gender-based violence and discrimination. Moreover, it identifies opportunities for women’s empowerment in agriculture through entrepreneurship, access to resources, collective action, and capacity-building initiatives. Additionally, the article examines the intersection of gender and climate resilience in agriculture, emphasizing the importance of gender-responsive policies and interventions. This article employed vivid review of recent research literature, reports from relevant organizations, and empirical studies on gender dynamics in Ugandan agriculture, synthesizing key findings, and structuring the discussion around women’s roles, challenges, and opportunities in farming communities. It concludes by emphasizing the crucial role of gender-responsive agricultural policies and interventions in promoting gender equality, enhancing women’s empowerment, and achieving sustainable agricultural development in Uganda.

Keywords: Ugandan agriculture, Gender dynamics, Empowerment, Gender-responsive policies, Sustainable development

CITE AS: Hadija Nantale (2024). Gender Dynamics in Ugandan Agriculture: Exploring Women’s Roles, Challenges, and Opportunities in Farming Communities. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES IN ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 3(2):91-95.