Analyzing Supply and Demand Dynamics in Uganda’s Agricultural Sector: A case Study of Maize Production

Kaikara Mukasa

Department of Business Management Kampala International University Uganda


Uganda’s maize production is critical for its economy, serving as a staple food crop and a significant income source for smallholder farmers. This study analyzes the supply and demand dynamics of Uganda’s maize market, aiming to provide insights for policymakers and stakeholders to enhance agricultural productivity, ensure food availability, and promote economic development. By employing empirical research, data analysis, and literature review, the study explores factors influencing maize production, consumption patterns, and market dynamics. Supply-side drivers, including climate variability, land availability, technological adoption, policy interventions, market infrastructure, pests and diseases, and input costs, are examined. Demand-side drivers, such as population growth, urbanization, income levels, food security concerns, cultural preferences, livestock feed demand, industrial use, export markets, and government procurement, are also analyzed. The study highlights the importance of understanding these dynamics for informed decision-making and proposes evidence-based policy recommendations for sustainable maize production. Addressing challenges such as climate variability, land degradation, limited access to inputs, post-harvest losses, and insufficient infrastructure while capitalizing on opportunities can contribute to a resilient and sustainable maize sector in Uganda.

Keywords: Maize production, Supply and demand dynamics, Food security, Economic development, Policy recommendations

CITE AS: Kaikara Mukasa (2024). Analyzing Supply and Demand Dynamics in Uganda’s Agricultural Sector: A case Study of Maize Production. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES IN ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 3(2):70-74.