The Role of the Media in Cultural and National Integration: Broadcast Media in Focus

Kaikara Akiki

Department of Mass Communication Kampala International University Uganda


Broadcasting by its nature, is the singular most powerful universal means of instant public communication. Amongst its unique attributes is the ability to instantly reach a wider, more varied group of consumers than any other medium. With this very nature of the broadcast media, it could therefore be a useful tool in promoting the ideals of national development. This paper evaluated the role of the broadcast media in cultural and national integration. The linkage between broadcasting and culture was first established by Harold Lasswell when he noted that part of the responsibilities of the mass media is the transmission of social heritage from one generation to another by way of taking intellectual contributions of one generation and passing them on the next. In the service of national development, the mass media are agents of social change. The specific kind of social change they are expected to accomplish is the transition to new customs and practices and, in some cases, to different social relationships. Besides, such changes in behaviour must consist of substantial change in attitudes, beliefs, skills and social norms. This therefore points to the fact that the broadcast media is not only tailored to promote cultural integration but development as well. 

Keywords: Media, Culture, National Integration, Broadcast, Role

CITE AS: Kaikara Akiki (2024). The Role of the Media in Cultural and National Integration: Broadcast Media in Focus. RESEARCH INVENTION JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 3(1):20-25.